My bushy tailed buddy

Since some of you asked yesterday in your comments and I like to talk about him, today you will hear of Charlie the Squirrel.
Charlie was orphaned during Huricane Jeanne in September of '04. I was walking our dogs during a lull in the storm and found a little ball of fur on the sidewalk. Several trees had been damaged and branches were down everywhere so I can only assume his nest had been knocked down. I distracted the dogs and managed to pick him up and store him inside my jacket to get him home. Once there I hit the internet to figure out how to care for him. Liquids were the first order so his first drink was some red gatorade out of an eyedropper.
Once things were back to normal we found puppy formula and syringes and that was his food for the next 3 - 4 weeks; had to feed him like 6 times a day.Charlie was orphaned during Huricane Jeanne in September of '04. I was walking our dogs during a lull in the storm and found a little ball of fur on the sidewalk. Several trees had been damaged and branches were down everywhere so I can only assume his nest had been knocked down. I distracted the dogs and managed to pick him up and store him inside my jacket to get him home. Once there I hit the internet to figure out how to care for him. Liquids were the first order so his first drink was some red gatorade out of an eyedropper.

Once he got old enough for solid foods he ate like a king; brocolli, grapes, blueberries, kiwi, carrots, okra, walnuts, pecans, cantaloupe, corn on the cob, and many other delicacies. I would chop all this shit up and bring it to him 3 times a day. He ate better and more regularly than the rest of us. I also built him his own condo, a multilevel paradise where he could climb and play and annoy the hell out of the dogs and cats with no fear of reprisal.

He grew only too accustomed to the pirate way of life after a while.

I am sorry to say that I lost my little friend in what can only be described as a tragic accident. he was frolicking on the top of his condo among some things stored on it and several items along with Charlie fell. While he appeared to be OK at first he began to show signs of injury. Apparently when everything fell he landed wrong or something landed on him and he had internal injuries. It took me 5 vets to find someone who would treat him and all they could do was put him down. I was devastated, you should have seen the grown man cry over a little furry creature. That little guy had become my best friend in the time he was here and I miss him terribly. He was laid to rest under the oak tree in the front yard.
I do so wish that this story had a happier ending but it is what it is. I guess if nothing else I gave him a while longer to frolick because he surely would have perished on the sidewalk during that hurricane. Squirrels are cool little creatures and everytime I see them scamper around in the neighborhood I think of my little buddy.
Here's to you Charlie, I miss ya pal!

Wow, at least you gave him the best life a squirrel ever had!!
Wow, I am so impressed right now, you have no idea...
Excellent post!
I didn't see the end coming (good thing I guess) :( But you have given me a new side to you that I find myself adoring, thanks for giving us the full story :) and pics,
Best thing I've read all day!
So very sweet! What a wonderful story, I thank you for sharing.
That's very sweet, though I must admit my first thought was 'rabies.' Am I morbid? --VM--
I'm sorry the loss of your best friend. YI;m sure you felt the same way I did when I had to put down my dogs. ;-(
When I was very young, my friend's family did something similar but eventually let the squirrel go in the front of the house. It was so cool being able to get it to eat out of our hands.
Great story. I'm a squirrel watcher, they are just so cute.
Sorry about your buddy.
Damn Billy...I'm sorry to hear for your loss, but I have to tell you how cool it is that you had a squirrel in the first place.
I've always loved squirrels...they are one of my favorite animals. When I was a kid, I could watch the red squirrels that ran through the branches and telephone wires in our backyard for hours. They are simply fascinating.
I can't imagine ever trying to care for one, but it sounds like you did a damned fine job.
Never in a million years would I dream that a squirrel would get seriously injured by a fall like that, but you never know.
Hang in there man.
bc - i like to think so.
mg - now i must wonder about what you thought of me before
vm - apparently rabies is not transmitted at birth, at least according to the info I had, but that could explain why I foam at the mouth sometimes...
thanks to all for your comments.
GREAT story! I can't believe the squirrel got fat.
God Billy you're really such a very sweet guy! Sorry you lost the little guy but it does seem that you brought each other much happiness while he was here. What a delightful story! Thanks for sharing it.
I used to have a pet squirrel when I was a child...
That is one of the coolest things I've ever read on a blog. What a lucky squirrel! I wish there had been a happier ending, too, but he sure lived like a king! :-)
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