HNT? dammit.
Seems the female members of the crew don't trust their fearless leader... Y'all are crushing the pirate's spirit here ladies. A captain needs his crew's undivided loyalty you know.
Proof you want, proof you shall get.
Seems the female members of the crew don't trust their fearless leader... Y'all are crushing the pirate's spirit here ladies. A captain needs his crew's undivided loyalty you know.
Proof you want, proof you shall get.

See, no money there either.
I now return you to the original HNT post.
Losing my mind, should of taken a pic of it running down the street and away from me, that'd been a cool shot...
Before we get into HNT today, we need to talk for a second about my main man, my blogger buddy, my fellow lemur lover (literally) and all around great guy, Mr. Fabulous. I got an email from CP this morning telling me that Fab was fired from his job for his blog. Now I have seen some offensive blogs in my time here and believe you me, this was not offensive. Fab got serious about this blogging shit and took it upon himself to entertain the world. He was renting his page, competing with other blogs for rankings, having little contests of his own and giving away the stuff he won at fairs. An all around good guy and I mean that.
Aside from touching his nipples a little too often and making whoopee with a few lemurs (who can blame him, those things are cute) his blog was good hearted nonsense. The guy posted his grocery receipt and got 75 comments for Ja's sake; how much more light hearted can you get??? Shows what you can do when you got a lot of time on your hands. Anyways some thin skinned. closed minded IDIOT took offense to his particular brand of satire and complained to his boss. BOOM, he was gone. WTF? I mean really. If y'all haven't ever been there, go over and dig through his archives, there honestly is a lot of entertaining shit there. As far as any references to a love affair with the pirate goes... let's just say what happens at sea, stays at sea. Fab, best of luck to ya man. In your corner, on your side and got your back. If nothing else, I'm standing really close behind you, kinda like that time in St. Barts.
Okay, enough of a rant. HNT, really don't have anything prepared so this is what you get. Billy went out yesterday and bought his crew a truck so he don't have to loan them his anymore or haul crap for them. Expansion, it's a good thing. Cept for what's left in the pockets.... nuthin'.

coincidence it's Bucs colors??
Hey, football season isn't that far way...
Happy HNT all! If ya wanna play with the cool kids click the blue button on the right and go see Obsasso.
Happy HNT, sugar!!
I'm so sorry 'bout Mr. Fabulous...that just plain sucks.
You gonna buy me a truck, too??! Heh...just not Bucs colors, k?
ok, well that so completely sucks, sounds like someone deserves a post dedicated tomorrow ;)
anyway, cute HNT, but I think you're hiding loot someplace else, drop 'em and prove me wrong.
April - I can't afford the truck you want darlin. No matter what the color.
MG - If I didn't know better I'd think you want to see the pirate nekkid.
I just read up about Mr Fab, I can't understand how anyone could take offence at his posts. It just makes me sick.
Great truck, here's to expansion!
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
That doesn't make sense to me, how they could fire Mr Fabulous over a blog, how did it affect his work?
Nice truck, Happy HNT!!
I LOVE THE BUCS! Nice truck, Billy! I'm with MG, drop 'em! We want proof!
I'm sorry, Mr. Fab. I'd like to know what this co-worker thought was offensive, exactly.
We all want to see the Pirate nekkid, sugar. :D
That's horrible about Mr. Fab!
Great HNT! Since when do pirates keep their money in pockets? I agree with MG on this one!
Hey big surprise I am with MG and Green Eyes we want proof!
I am sorry about Mr. Fab! Heck if they want to see offensive I can be really offensive if they want!
Now, Pirate, how do we know you're not hiding any loot under that shirt? Hmmmm.....
OK, OK, I believe ya! Please don't make me walk the plank! And get that furry creature away from me! Girls, help!
Billy, I have to say, I love your willingness to prove me wrong...
yeah. compliance is sexy...
I'm smiling now, thanks!
oh and yeah, I always want to see the pirate nekkid, you know this.
Yeah, a good Captain will always keep his crewe happy.
I loves me crewe.
I'm with GE...whatcha hidin' under that shirt??
But I don't believe ya...dare ya to make me walk the plank! :D
April - iffin I did that who'd be around to call me sugar?
oh, I doubt it'd be that hard to find a replacement...
Ya nice try! You can still be hiding something!
Nice skirt, nice shirt... will complain to y boss tomorrow about my blog style... ;-(
Hey Pirate, could you just lift your arms up a little bit. OOPS, would that raise your shirt up a bit and expose your..... Sorry, I never thought about that. love the little bit of peek a boo we got today.
NIce legs and nice truck.
Happy HNT!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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