Half Nekkid Thursday!
How bout a fully naked chin? For most of my adult life, and I mean 23 1/2 of the last 25 years I have had some style of facial hair. Whether it was a full beard or a goatee, there's been hair on my face. It actually hasn't seen the light of the sun for about 2 months shy of 17 years, my kids had never seen me without hair on my face - until Saturday.
For reasons as yet to be determined, perhaps a simple wild hair maybe, I decided to shave it off. The oldest hasn't rendered an opinion, the youngest says I need to grow it back post haste, and the wife, well, she seems to like it. I know it makes kissing a whole new adventure, kinda weird, but it's kinda nice.
So, here you go, Billy's whole naked chin, seen for the first time in 17 years. Click on the blue button and go see Obsasso to play HNT with the cool kids.
For reasons as yet to be determined, perhaps a simple wild hair maybe, I decided to shave it off. The oldest hasn't rendered an opinion, the youngest says I need to grow it back post haste, and the wife, well, she seems to like it. I know it makes kissing a whole new adventure, kinda weird, but it's kinda nice.
So, here you go, Billy's whole naked chin, seen for the first time in 17 years. Click on the blue button and go see Obsasso to play HNT with the cool kids.

WOW....that's really something, how weird does that feel? do you keep rubbing it...huh, bet ya do...
OK, well glad to see you playing with us again...
It looks good for being in hiding for 17 yrs, let me plant a couple of kisses on it.
Nice HNT, Puddle Pirate!
Looking good, Pirate!
I have no doubts about your wife liking it!
Oh, nice chin, sugar.
Happy HNT!
Shiver me timbers!
What a sexy smile!
had to stop back by, got buffet tunes on and well, a pirate came to mind ;)
17 years huh? Wow, do ya feel half nekkid?? :-)
Nice smooth chins are just right fer nuzzling tho...
nice chin you have there :)
Oooooooooh...I am a sucker for a goatee'd man...but, a clean shaven one, who is dealing with 4 day overgrowth? Now THAT is delicious too. Especially on the thighs! *hee hee*
very very nice!! you look years younger
Cute! Nice, strong chin! ;-)
I've never seen a clean shaven pirate Billy!
You're going to make people think you've gone soft!
Enjoyed a lot! » »
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