Still looking for the boobs that CP wanted, I swear, I'll find them, eventually. However, FreeBoobyTuesday must still go on.
We had some crowds here last week, first on Wednesday for the inaguaral pool party and since we had so much fun with that we decided to have another for April's birthday on Saturday. So many bloggers, so little clothing, as suits were optional. This pic was from Wednesday's bash, sorry, can't tell you who it is, you'll just have to show up next time and find out for yourself.
FreeBoobyTuesday is in da house!

I think I will have to post a pay back for your posting all these gorgeous women.
Let's see if I can find that photo....
PS view at your own risk
Great another party for April I am there!
Happy FreeBooby Tuesday!
Yep them sure are some nice boobies in da house.
oh, Free Boobie Tuesday...how could I have forgotten??
When's the next bash?
I have been waiting all day for this. Happy FreeBooby Tuesaday!
I really have to figure out why mostly only girls show up for freeboobytuesday.
not that I'm complainin' mind you, just sayin.
if I posted boy bits would the boys show up, I mean besides Mr. Fab?
April, name the date for the next bash, who's got a birthday coming? Not that we need a reason.
Maybe some of us girls like to see nice boobies LOL.
I was in no way passin' judgement Lori, just making an observation.
Actually I was kind of enjoying it.
you know how we boys can be...
Okay, I THINK we have the natural part down. It's possible those boobs were enhanced but, to my well-trained eye, I'm thinking no. There is a slight hang factor. That's good. The body? I dunno, Billy. She's not as thick as I requested. And, she kinda looks...well, adolescent, which makes me feel pretty skanky. The hair is kind of redneck also. yeah I know. Who's looking at the hair? I AM. I like the whole package, Billy. The whole package. The closest I ever came to sheer happiness on your free booby tuesday was the chick in chocolate sauce on VDay. No, she didn't meet my requirements, but hell...tits dipped in chocolate always rule.
I might have to send you some of my stash, Billy. You know, just to help a homeboy out. *heh*
PS: Face it, Billy. No one knows hot women like other hot women. You really do need to cater to your female fans. Mr. Fab will just have to adjust.
Hey CP, shush before I wind back and kick you in the knee. I was kinda wondering what you looked like the other day flopping around on your back.... *smirk* *snicker* *smirk*
I promise, O' Princess, that I shall endeavor yet again to find boobies that will satisfy your discriminating taste.
not that these were, I think I posted a disclaimer didn't I.
I love Free Booby Tuesday! You find the nicest Hogans on the internet!
Hey Who - I heard a lot of names for boobies, but I never heard of Hogans before.
Is that a pet name you have for them or what?
Hey--those are MY boobs!
Great observation and I love how you boys can be.
Sorry, I'm late!
Did you say party????
I'm already shaking my ass, I'm so excited!
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