Thanks KB, but no bail required - at least not yet.
KB thought Brazen Billy might have been apprehended by the military over in the Indian Ocean and bail money would be in order, well KB you can rest easy. Not that you would have been able to bail me out of that mess anyway.
Ole' Billy is safe and sound in his own little harbor, one particular harbor about to suffer a great invasion. It's that time of year, time for Gasparilla here in Tampa, a hundred year old tradition of Pirates invading the city.
TJ would probably be suprised to know that Billy isn't the only boy in town who likes to think of himself as a pirate, they're are actually thousands of us gathered around the shores of Tampa Bay who practice the pirate way.

So rest easy KB and save that bail money for next weekend when we're trading booty (beads) for boobies and such. Might actually need it then...

Ole' Billy is safe and sound in his own little harbor, one particular harbor about to suffer a great invasion. It's that time of year, time for Gasparilla here in Tampa, a hundred year old tradition of Pirates invading the city.

So rest easy KB and save that bail money for next weekend when we're trading booty (beads) for boobies and such. Might actually need it then...

Happy Monday Y'all!
I soooooo want to go to that festival!
Damn I'm jealous! I miss all of the good stuff.
Billy, pirates are HAWT! Like KB, I wish I was going to that festival.
KB and I are childhood friends so we are lots alike except for the nurse she won't go "comando."
kb - the not so funny thing is I'll be in f'n California this weekend. Leave Friday, meeting Saturday, return Sunday.
The pirate's missing the damned pirate party. Tends to remind me of a much younger time in my life, when in similar situations I would comment and my father would ask me, "who said life was fucking fair?"
I will be at Gaspirilla.
Only kidding. I'll be in Jersey.
now now billy...i imagine you'll squeeze in a little fun for yourself when visiting the west coast!!
yes bc i imagine I will. as a matter of fact there is a layover on my flight that will allow me an opportunity to meet someone quite special.
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