I really can't do much else about these asswipes except publish the truth, cuz otherwise it may be considered slander eh?
Well then, let me tell it like it is. CINGULAR SUCKS ASS! I ended up with Cingular via default, I was an age old AT&T customer who got "migrated", some fancy industry term for you got moved to over to our service cause we bought yours. AT&T didn't suck ass, not like CINGULAR SUCKS ASS! but I managed to survive their service for many years and mainly without complaint. Yeah, sure, I dropped a call here and there but for the most part AT&T was okay.
However, when I "migrated" I discovered CINGULAR SUCK ASS! The funniest part about it is that their customer service department knows CINGULAR SUCKS ASS!, but there's not a whole lot they can do about it. Once would assume that the sales personel knows CINGULAR SUCKS ASS! but why would they admit it???
The customer service personel know that they are servicing a shitty product, they all but admit it, guess they want to keep their jobs. Raising the bar my ass, they have to raise it so they don't keep knocking their fucking heads into it. No, wait, that would imply intelligence, they raise it because they couldn't lower it any further... These folks did everything imaginable to make my phone and service work, guess what? it didn't. Which is why I say, CINGULAR SUCKS ASS!, first it's the integration with the AT&T system that causing the problems, then it's the damned hurricanes, then it's the, well, actually I forgot their last excuse, but it was shit too. Because, say it with me, CINGULAR SUCKS ASS!
After 11 months of dropped calls, missing text messages and billing fraud along with a more than lengthy complaint file I finally drop kicked these useless muthers through the goal post of bad cellular service. I finally decided to take it in the shorts, no not in a good way, and suck up the early termination fee and lose these silly bastards. Beacuse, yes, that's right, CINGULAR SUCKS ASS!
But wait, they're not done yet... I called customer service the night before I cancelled them and went with another carrier to find out exactly how far their hand would be up my ass for the "early cancellation fee" and was told a number. When I received my final bill, yeah, that's right, it was significantly higher. Not only does CINGULAR cell service SUCK ASS!, their math skills need work too, seems they cannot multiply a fixed monthly amount by the number of months remaining on a contract. While on the phone with the lady to discuss the amount in question, I mentioned again, that CINGULAR SUCKS (didn't say ass, I'm polite on the phone) and she said that "well, we're gonna get better". To which I say WHEN? not that it matters anymore. Since I changed providers the only calls I drop are because I have yet to master my fancy new phone.
Yeah, I got a fancy new phone, it's cool as hell, and ya know what? My service is great too, no, it's fantastic, no, it's supercalifragilistictabulous(?) as compared to Cingular. Which only goes to prove, CINGULAR SUCKS ASS! And it's cheaper too. Imagine that.
So, take a tip from your favorite pirate and DO NOT ever use these asswipes for cellular service, even if they're giving it to you for free. Cause you'd still lose, somehow, someway, you'd still lose. And we know why that is right - you got it - CINGULAR SUCKS ASS!
Go to yahoo and do a search for CINGULAR SUCKS ASS! if you even begin to doubt ole Billy, people have websites dedicated to spreading the gospel that CINGULAR SUCKS ASS!
oh, wait...I got a question..
Does Cingular suck ass???
They can suck my ass too. I hate them with a fucking passion. I have a bill in collections from them for $45 and when I call them to take care of it, they don't have a record of it. Asshats. When I tell this to said collection agency, it's a big ol' clusterfuck and then they leave me alone. But everytime I apply for a loan or some shit..BAM...there they are. Like a boil on my ass.
I hate them.
ditto ditto ditto
Yes they do I have my own reasons for hating them too.
Okay, two things. First and foremost, I made your sidebar? Fuckin' SWEET!
Alright, that said...
Hotband just switched this morning from Cingular to that new MetroPCS that we have in Florida now. Did you see it? GREAT service. Clear calls. Very happy with it. Talk all you want, unlimited, day or night with unlimited texting...$60 a month.
When he called Cingular to close the account and switch the phone over to MPCS, they actually hassled him about giving him the info he needed to move his number, can you imagine?
Dicks to the very end. Cingular does indeed, suck ass.
Isn't that the way? Everything from phone companies to banks are "merging" around here and things seem to go the hell in a handbasket when they do. Tell me why it is, that I am able to get stellar service/product UNTIL the company merges...I mean if one can do it...why can't the other, or both!?
We don't have cingular here, which is prob good, cuz I'm getting the distinct impression that maybe, THEY SUCK ASS! :-)
Glad you drop kicked them to the curb!
I love when the Pirate goes on a rampage!
Very Hot!
Well don't hold anything back it's not good for your health ya know.
So, who's your service with now? wtf??
Do I have to start the chant??
It is Thursday, Billy!
Thanks for the waive off on Cingular. I'm looking for a major league carrier. Won't go Cingular, that's for sure.
My sister has Cingular too. I don't know if she has trouble or not. Some companies seem to have certain cities covered better than others. Verizon has New York, Sprint/Nextel has Atlanta and Las Vegas, etc. It's the way it works. I have never heard anything good about Cingular. Working in the industry I hear the crap about every company, including my own. But, in FL, Sprint/Nextel has the most coverage. As for the hurricanes; they kicked the shit out of everyone's network. The engineers are still working on them, but there are SO many towers in FL that it is definitely taking some time. And, it is getting better compared to what it was a month or so after the hurricanes.
Glad you're happy with your new service!
Oh, BTW, a little inside info from me, who works in the telecom industry, for everyone on porting your mobile number to another carrier.
Don't cancel your service with your current provider. You don't have to tell them you're leaving. You go to the new carrier, and give them your mobile number. There is a 3rd party company that all of the carriers are required to use that process the port overs. The port request to the new carrier automatically cancels your old carrier service and you never have to talk to them!
We have cingular and I don't have a problem but my Husband does. We also got the switch from our wonderful AT&T. What I want to know is not that AT&T bought Cingular, will it go back to the wonderful service it was before? Billy, Who do you have as your carrier now, if I might ask?
This is very interesting site... » »
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