Couple of things real quick

File under - Be careful what you wish for you just may get it.
Here's to you MG, posted as suggested; of course with love, how else would I mean it?
Special note to the male crew members. Hello? ARE THERE any male readers? Fab? You out there buddy? I'd imagine from the female comments on FBT maybe some of the lady readers should listen up too.
Now I don't suppose to assume what music you may like or dislike, or whether or not you like country music; or Rascal Flats in particular. However, if anybody asks you to go to a Rascal Flats concert, GO. The Mrs. wanted to go and I hesitated, I know them (not personally mind you) but their music, familiar anyway, maybe have a liking for one or two songs. I do like Gary Alan who was with them so I said I'd go.
I've been to a lot of concerts before, I've seen a lot of acts that draw a female crowd but I ain't never, NEVER, seen anything like this. Take a tip from the pirate, no matter what particular flavor you prefer, she was there and so was her sister and her cousin and her aunt, her daughter, mother and grandma and you should have been too. Womens, all kinds of womens, lots and lots of womens and they were good looking too. There may have been a restriction on who they let in cause it was just sooo collectively hot.
Long story short, take a chance, see Rascal Flats. As long as your date doesn't slap the dog shit out of you for leering - you'll thank me. Really. I swear.
and April, The Wreckers were there too, saw you posted some of their lyrics. They were good.
I saw Rascal Flatts. It was the best concert I've seen in a long time. Those guys don't stop!! You're right, too, the whole crowd is good looking people.
Yes I know I am number one! Thanks Billy!
Billy, you kick ass, really...
love that pic ;)
There are in my city this weekend. Maybe I'll go see them and their crowd.
Billy, so you saw me shaking my ass and flashing my boobs? I'm honored!
Great damn concert! They were awesome!
i love rascall flatts! am jealous!
Yeah...I heard that the Wreckers were gonna be opening for Rascal Flatts...damn. Sounds like a great concert.
I dont like Rascal Flatts, but I do like me some hot wimmens.
Billy, we must do lunch when I get home. You, me and the fabulous Mr and Mrs.
I left a comment yesterday but blogger had other plans for it.
why is it that I like coming here and see you flip me off?....
been an HNT lurker. love the FBT too.
I've seen Gary Allen before and heard good things about Rascal Flatts. They will be in town this up coming weekend and I'm trying to win tix to go see them.
//yes, I am a pirate. 200 years too late.
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