Neither wind nor rain nor dire predictions of tropical destruction will keep the pirate from puttin up boobs. C'mon people, priorities - remember? In the last 24 hours we've seen about 6 inches of rain and some wind, nothing major, at least here at Casa De Billy anyway. Saw some power outages over GE's way and watching to see what happens up at Cedar Key.
Two things about Cedar key. 1) Two weeks ago Billy made reservations for the Saturday of Father's Day Weekend at the Cedar Key Resort and Marina. Booked a room with a view of the gulf and the pool, planned on taking the bikes and the Mrs. and leaving the kids at home. 2) The damnd storm is supposed to make landfall this morning at where? CEDAR KEY!?!?! What the fuck people? Did anybody know this two weeks ago? Somebody should have told me...
The damned resort is right on the water, the tidal surge predicted for Cedar Key is 8 to 10 feet. I don't like the sound of this, hoping the place is still good for Saturday... please, please, please.
Anyway, on with the boobs. Captain's log, June 13, 2006, with rough seas, heavy winds and blinding rains beating the ship, I awake to find this lassy in me cabin. Who says the storms are a bad thing? Garrrr, gonna be a good day mateys.
Two things about Cedar key. 1) Two weeks ago Billy made reservations for the Saturday of Father's Day Weekend at the Cedar Key Resort and Marina. Booked a room with a view of the gulf and the pool, planned on taking the bikes and the Mrs. and leaving the kids at home. 2) The damnd storm is supposed to make landfall this morning at where? CEDAR KEY!?!?! What the fuck people? Did anybody know this two weeks ago? Somebody should have told me...
The damned resort is right on the water, the tidal surge predicted for Cedar Key is 8 to 10 feet. I don't like the sound of this, hoping the place is still good for Saturday... please, please, please.
Anyway, on with the boobs. Captain's log, June 13, 2006, with rough seas, heavy winds and blinding rains beating the ship, I awake to find this lassy in me cabin. Who says the storms are a bad thing? Garrrr, gonna be a good day mateys.

Looks like it is gonna be a good day after all.
Nothing can stop Free Booby Tuesday!! I have my fingers crossed for you guys!
Free booby Tuesday always makes me wish I was young again and had no kids! I would have my great tits back!
I am back and I missed my favorite pirate!
Big Kiss BILLY!
Her nipples need to be touched.
Billy, what's up, Pirate? One down, 20 or so to go, right?
Have fun with the wife!
Free Boobies...but not HNT??
Come now, much as I like to see boobies, I'd rather see something of yours. :D
I am sending good weather karma your way!! Have a great weekend.
Came to you by way of CP. Nice boobs. Wow, I cant wait until myne look like that again.
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