FreeBoobyTuesday & Talk Like a Pirate Day
Two big days here on the ship. Free Booby Tuesday and Talk Like a Pirate Day!
FreeBoobyTuesday got skipped last week so we'll start there, no cute story, just a sexy red head with some nice boobs. Yeah, the pirate likey....
Garr me mateys, arrrrrn't them some nice boobies!
FreeBoobyTuesday got skipped last week so we'll start there, no cute story, just a sexy red head with some nice boobs. Yeah, the pirate likey....

September 19th, Talk Like a Pirate Day. I did have a link to a website that would translate your everyday speak into Pirate talk but I lost it in the Great Laptop Crash of '06, took a cannon ball from a the competition and lost all my damned bookmarks, aarrrghh! However the link above ain't bad and it tells you about the day.
WTF??? Now blogger won't let me upload any more pictures... Dammit, I'll try later.
And one more thing, today was the Pirate's Dad's Birthday, he's been gone nearly 12 years now and I miss him. - not very pirate like but iffin ya gots a problem with it allow me to show you the plank...
WTF??? Now blogger won't let me upload any more pictures... Dammit, I'll try later.
And one more thing, today was the Pirate's Dad's Birthday, he's been gone nearly 12 years now and I miss him. - not very pirate like but iffin ya gots a problem with it allow me to show you the plank...
HAPPY Booby Day Matey. ARrgghhh
Happy Birthday to the Pirate Daddy. You can celebrate his birthday as long as you want!!
Thems is some lurvely boobies too!
There are just some people that we never stop missing, no matter how much time passes, aren't there?...*sigh*
Let me salute your Dad, Pirate!
I tried to talk like one over at April's but I think I just embarrassed myself! lol How about I just order someone to walk the plank? Will that suffice?
Let me know about this weekend. If I can get a sitter, I'll be there!
you don't ever stop missing them.
Most excellent TLAPD!
Hop'n ya tipt one fer pa'
Check out this keyboard ya need
Happy birthday to Pirates Dad!!
Hope you are having a good day.
I was just sitting here thinking, I need someone to sit beside me and slap my hand hard when I try to look at things that make me sad... immediately you came to mind.
Now, whether that's because it's be fun to be slapped by you... ;)
or, well, it would just be returning the favor for me coming and saying...
It's wednesday. how's biz?
well, actualy, you've told us how busy you are, so I guess that's a report in itself. I just didn't want you to think I forgot about Wednesday.
I think it's the first one.
I should probably clarify, the slapping around, you know was just, although rough, ;)
Miss ya, sugar.
Just sayin
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