Damn, it's Monday, but, it's Tuesday already.
Weekend kicked my ass, actually, yesterday kicked my ass. Spent the morning pulling weeds in the front flower beds, there were a lot. A Lot. It's not something I get around to very often, today I am feeling it, seriously. The pirate hurts...
But the yard is beautiful.
The afternoon found me floating in the pool, Corona in hand, blues on the stereo, sun shining, with the Mrs. joining me later on, Corona in hand. Made for a pleasant finish to an otherwise painful day. Note to self - hire neighbor kid next time...
It's September already. Can you believe it? Holy hell, where did the summer go? Luckily it lasts here for another couple months. For you unlucky bastards up north it's starting to cool off. One thing I do like about fall, sweaters. It's the time of year for girls to wear sweaters, soft, warm, fun to touch sweaters... sorry, the mind was wandering...
So, that brings us to Tuesday, Free Booby Tuesday. Free, as in no cost, no obligation, here's your boobie Tuesday. And in honor of fall and sweaters, I like this one.
Yeah, sweaters... I'll have to wait another couple of months for them to come out down here but, I'll be patient.
Have a great week peoples!
Weekend kicked my ass, actually, yesterday kicked my ass. Spent the morning pulling weeds in the front flower beds, there were a lot. A Lot. It's not something I get around to very often, today I am feeling it, seriously. The pirate hurts...
But the yard is beautiful.
The afternoon found me floating in the pool, Corona in hand, blues on the stereo, sun shining, with the Mrs. joining me later on, Corona in hand. Made for a pleasant finish to an otherwise painful day. Note to self - hire neighbor kid next time...
It's September already. Can you believe it? Holy hell, where did the summer go? Luckily it lasts here for another couple months. For you unlucky bastards up north it's starting to cool off. One thing I do like about fall, sweaters. It's the time of year for girls to wear sweaters, soft, warm, fun to touch sweaters... sorry, the mind was wandering...
So, that brings us to Tuesday, Free Booby Tuesday. Free, as in no cost, no obligation, here's your boobie Tuesday. And in honor of fall and sweaters, I like this one.

Have a great week peoples!
Ohh dig it in that your by the pool why don't you! But hey I am in my sweaters already! ;)
Happy FreeBooby Tuesday!
I was at the pool also yesterday, trying to soothe my troubled muscles. Played a lot of ball this weekend. Noo I didnt play with A lot of balls, just a lot of Softball. Silly man... You can come weed my yard anytime..
yes, I do love sweaters too, for all the previously mentioned reasons...
I was just looking at the sweaters in my closet yesterday, I think they are anxious to be worn....
weeding sucks, but drinking beer at the pool.. ahh...
great pic, I like the "real" women best ;)
Hey there, Pirate! Poor Pirate worked too hard! Have yourself another Corona, on me!
I think I need more sweaters for TN! *note to self!
Sweater puppies!
Awwww...Poor Pirate. Need a massage?? :)
I hate to see the end of summer...but I do enjoy that nip of cool in the air, at least at first.
~clears throat~
it's Wednesday.
Where's the report?
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