It's My Birthday and it's FuckYou! Friday as well
We'll get the Fuck You! Friday out of the way first. Although I'm in pretty good mood today there's always a fuck you lurking somewhere beneath this Pirate Hat. Here's a new member of the crew to give the message. It ain't a finger but it works just as well.
Meet El Gato Badassio. He not very big, but like the Hamster we just loved his attitude and
thought that he fit in well. Not only that, he pretty much illustrates what I wanted to do to that little fuck I wrote about yesterday. Simply put - FUCK YOU "RICK" for making me older you fucking fuck and forcing me deal with something that I hoped wouldn't come along for another year or two. You're a little punk douchebag and I hope what little you got makes up for all you lost such as having a couple of adults in your life that accepted you for what you are and made you welcome. ****EDIT*** El Gato wasn't working properly but the perfessor stopped by and gave me a new link, thanks prof.
Nuff of that, it's my fucking birthday. The Pirate turns 44 today. A little bit older but so the much wiser, smarter, more confident and definitely better looking. My 40's have been good to me, I'm just hitting my stride, the future's so bright I gotta wear shades.
I was gonna work a little bit today but that kinda went out the window when I decided I didn't really need to get out of bed this morning. The crew was all lined up and already had the keys to the truck so I stayed in bed. Had my coffee this am with an extra pour of Bailey's, typically a weekend thing but WTF. Left the truck at home this morning and rode the bike to work, that really gave me a good start on the day. Shorts, my Pirates of the Caribbean biker shirt, some sneakers and the wind in my hair. Thinking pretty much the only reason I'm here today is to do this post and then I'm off.
The boys are taking me out this afternoon for beers, wings and bikinis. That works for me. Tonight my beloved Tampa Bay Buccaneers have their first pre-season game. Plan to enjoy that poolside with a few Coronas. Tomorrow night however, is the party.
Have invited a few hundred close friends over for an evening of drunken debauchery. Y'all are invited too. The tikis will be lit, the music will be playing loud. I wanted to try something new so I told everyone I invited to bring their MP3 players. I've got a set of speakers poolside that I plug my DJ into but I thought it would be cool to listen to what other folks had. I'll let you know how that goes, everyone gonna have to take their turn as the DJ and share their taste.
Also found out yesterday that my neighbor "owns" a bouncehouse. So, the Pirate, is gonna have a fucking bouncehouse for his birthday. Tell me that won't be a blast after everybody's had a few cocktails. I can hear my kids now... "but YOU NEVER got us a bouncehouse for our birthday!" Too bad, so sad, sucks to be them eh?
We really have never had a "party" at this house, we've been here 8 years now. It's time for a blowout. We had parties when we lived in Lauderdale where I was giving people coolers full of beer at 5 am just to get them to leave. Ah, the old days. Am I just trying to recapture the days of my youth, naw, I just think it's time for a fucking party.
I'm gonna go buy myself a birthday present today. Y'all know I love my toys, have a look at the new hook I've had my eye on over at Pirates R Us.
A special shout out to Green Eyes for my sexy birthday card that arrived this morning, way cool girl, thanks so much. As for the rest of you, Saturday FedEx delivery is a little more expensive but I'm worth it. Right?

Everybody have a great FUCKYOU! Friday and a fantastic weekend. I know I will. If you happen to be sailing by, stop in in. Beer, Booze, Jello Shots, Naked Twister and Boobies!
If ya gotta get older you may as well fucking enjoy it!
Meet El Gato Badassio. He not very big, but like the Hamster we just loved his attitude and

Nuff of that, it's my fucking birthday. The Pirate turns 44 today. A little bit older but so the much wiser, smarter, more confident and definitely better looking. My 40's have been good to me, I'm just hitting my stride, the future's so bright I gotta wear shades.
I was gonna work a little bit today but that kinda went out the window when I decided I didn't really need to get out of bed this morning. The crew was all lined up and already had the keys to the truck so I stayed in bed. Had my coffee this am with an extra pour of Bailey's, typically a weekend thing but WTF. Left the truck at home this morning and rode the bike to work, that really gave me a good start on the day. Shorts, my Pirates of the Caribbean biker shirt, some sneakers and the wind in my hair. Thinking pretty much the only reason I'm here today is to do this post and then I'm off.
The boys are taking me out this afternoon for beers, wings and bikinis. That works for me. Tonight my beloved Tampa Bay Buccaneers have their first pre-season game. Plan to enjoy that poolside with a few Coronas. Tomorrow night however, is the party.

Also found out yesterday that my neighbor "owns" a bouncehouse. So, the Pirate, is gonna have a fucking bouncehouse for his birthday. Tell me that won't be a blast after everybody's had a few cocktails. I can hear my kids now... "but YOU NEVER got us a bouncehouse for our birthday!" Too bad, so sad, sucks to be them eh?
We really have never had a "party" at this house, we've been here 8 years now. It's time for a blowout. We had parties when we lived in Lauderdale where I was giving people coolers full of beer at 5 am just to get them to leave. Ah, the old days. Am I just trying to recapture the days of my youth, naw, I just think it's time for a fucking party.
I'm gonna go buy myself a birthday present today. Y'all know I love my toys, have a look at the new hook I've had my eye on over at Pirates R Us.

Everybody have a great FUCKYOU! Friday and a fantastic weekend. I know I will. If you happen to be sailing by, stop in in. Beer, Booze, Jello Shots, Naked Twister and Boobies!
If ya gotta get older you may as well fucking enjoy it!
Loved the graphics! Now that sounds like a party! Take pictures and video! Expecially of what's going on in the bouncehouse. Now that could be interesting!
wonderful fuck you friday...
and heres to another year of life..
Have a FUCKING wonderful birthday Billy!!!
Wow!!! That seems the best of the birthday!!
Happy 44!!
Fuck you birthday boy (aka Mr. 10,000)! I'm glad I finally found somebody around this place older than I am.
As a present I give you a link for you image that works...
p.s. When your done with Cindy send her north. I have a few days I'd like to spend with her
Happy, Happy Birthday, Sugar...
and a big fuck you to that little shit.
Wish I could be there for the party and bounchouse, sounds like a good time.
But you always sound like a good time to me. :D
Happy Birthday Boss! I ordered the booze, hookers, and bounce house. Remember what happens at Pirate Parties stays at Pirate Parties. And what ever I do tonight you cant hold against me on Monday morning when I may show up for work if I am not still too hungover
I made a post strictly for you Boss
40's are nice too? cool. I was worried. 30's have been damn good, so I'm just gonna trust you on this...
Happy FUCKING Birthday!
(and I did a post for ya too)
I'm am fairly jealous of all the fun you're going to be having, drink some tequila for me, will ya?
Happy Birthday you old Pirate!! Happy Fuck you Friday too! :-) I'll drink a pint o' grog in yer honor!
Beer, Booze, Jello Shots, Naked Twister and Boobies what eles is there?? Have a great one!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Billy! I caught the end of Dodgeball the other night and when I saw the Pirate dude, I thought of you.
Happy Fuck You Friday.
Happy Birthday! Have a great one!
Happy Birthday
Welcome to the 44 club
Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!! I'm just picking out my outfit and I'll be over in a minute. Yum! Yum!
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dear, Billy. Happy birthday to you.
I am sorry I was late. I was not home much yesterday but I actually did remember it was your birthday. I hope it was special and you celebrated in style.
I wanna see pictures from the fiesta
Happy happy birthday
So, how hung over are you?
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