Twins Sighting
They were together and they were here. That's about all I can tell you. At least according to the legal release and disclaimer that they made us sign. Had a blast Friday night at Bennigans with Green Eyes and Erika, what a pair. Well, okay, it would be two pair but they wouldn't pose for a Free Booby Tuesday shot.
My wife agreed to go with me to meet two strangers that I had met on the internet. Talk about a leap of faith on her part. She did good. The day before she had called me just to make sure... "We're just going for drinks right? It's not some group sex thing?" Ya gotta love her. I do.
We sat for a few hours and Erika tried to drink them out of Bud Light, though she put forth a valiant effort I don't think she was able to do it. All the womens got along fabulously and if the Mrs. hadn't had to work Saturday she would have been off with the two of them to get a tattoo.
By the end of the night anyone would have thought that we'd know each other forever. The conversation and the laughs just never stopped, although they could have skipped the laughing about me. And it was decided by the twins that my wife needs a pirate name so she can start commenting on the blog. We did some research over the weekend but haven't settled on anything just yet.
I can't tell you where the twins went from there, but I do know that they stopped and took a picture just for me.
Can't tell you what else they did there but the sign you can't see below this one says something about "Amatuer Contest $500.00 cash prize" and I do know that they were in need of beer money.
Thanks for a great night girls, the Mrs and I really enjoyed ourselves. And Green Eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if the wife calls you to go get that tattoo.
My wife agreed to go with me to meet two strangers that I had met on the internet. Talk about a leap of faith on her part. She did good. The day before she had called me just to make sure... "We're just going for drinks right? It's not some group sex thing?" Ya gotta love her. I do.
We sat for a few hours and Erika tried to drink them out of Bud Light, though she put forth a valiant effort I don't think she was able to do it. All the womens got along fabulously and if the Mrs. hadn't had to work Saturday she would have been off with the two of them to get a tattoo.
By the end of the night anyone would have thought that we'd know each other forever. The conversation and the laughs just never stopped, although they could have skipped the laughing about me. And it was decided by the twins that my wife needs a pirate name so she can start commenting on the blog. We did some research over the weekend but haven't settled on anything just yet.
I can't tell you where the twins went from there, but I do know that they stopped and took a picture just for me.

Thanks for a great night girls, the Mrs and I really enjoyed ourselves. And Green Eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if the wife calls you to go get that tattoo.
Glad y'all had a good time...:)
Tell her I'm ready whenever she wants to go!
It was a blast, and I agree, Erika made a valiant effort! She had to be close though, don't you think?
BTW, I am SO GLAD we made you sign that contract!
The day before she had called me just to make sure... "We're just going for drinks right? It's not some group sex thing?" Ya gotta love her.
HAHA sounds like Mrs. Pirate is an awesome lady!! I wanna see pics!!
Now, you know what'd be fun...
I've been wanting another tattoo, too.
We should all go together! :)
Sounds marvellous dear pirate. I met two internet friends (at the same time), and it was fabulous, an experience I'm so glad I didn't miss.
that's awesome and your wife is such a great sport!!!
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