I really didn't wanna come home.
Really. I didn't.
Let's hear it for a weekend with no work! None, nada, zip, zero, bupkus.
Well, maybe not Zero Work. We worked on our tans, we worked on our beers and we worked on some food. Lots and lots of food.
Didn't find my room on the beach Friday night, we had this view instead. Nice room, really, damned big room, just wrong side of the road and not what I had in mind. Hated to leave, but I had a plan...

We rolled up the street a ways and found a room with this view. Not nearly as big as the first, but much closer to the plan that I had in mind.
That was much better. Now it's time for supplies...
But wait, there's more.
Properly primed, we walked up the street for lunch, little place called The Reef. It's at 67th and Gulf Blvd. if ya wanna check it out - I'll recommend it. We plowed through the appetizer menu; calamari, blue crab claws, sweet corn fritters, snapper chunks, buffalo shrimp, and more beers. The food was great and so were the service and the tab...
Pool time, beach time, drinking time, time for a nap, time for a sunset...
I really didn't wanna come home...
Let's hear it for a weekend with no work! None, nada, zip, zero, bupkus.
Well, maybe not Zero Work. We worked on our tans, we worked on our beers and we worked on some food. Lots and lots of food.
Didn't find my room on the beach Friday night, we had this view instead. Nice room, really, damned big room, just wrong side of the road and not what I had in mind. Hated to leave, but I had a plan...

We rolled up the street a ways and found a room with this view. Not nearly as big as the first, but much closer to the plan that I had in mind.

Pool time, beach time, drinking time, time for a nap, time for a sunset...

Hey...I like that thing you got on the bottle keeping the beer cold! :)
Glad you had a great time, Pirate...you deserved it.
very nice, great pics... glad you're back ;)
I am so glad you had supplies for a good time!!! You both deserve it!
*sigh*...I don't think I would have wanted to come home either. But it is good to have you back.
Nice views...reminds me of a stay I me self in Clearwater once...
Glad you all relaxed and rejuvied..
Now get back to work! Pirate booty ain't fer free!
And just what happend to Free Boobie Tuesday!?
I'm just jealous. LGing pools just sucks.
Geez, Billy! Why didn't you tell me you were going to paradise? I would have stowed away with ya! It's better than having a mammogram like I had.
You made me hungry too. DAMN! I need a vacation.
Yumm Shrimp. I love beer and shrimp. Shrimp and beer.
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