Billy's back.
Feeling better, tired, but better. I don't get sick often, this was the first time in a couple of years, but when I do get sick, I do it right. We're talking walking dead type sick, cranky as hell type sick, stay the fuck away from me type sick... So... I did y'all a favor by not being here. Not only didn't I spread my germs but I spared y'all my bad attitude too. You can feel extremely sorry for the Mrs., the kids and the crew - they took the brunt of it. Awwwww.
Better now, time for BOOBIES!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
More later.
Feeling better, tired, but better. I don't get sick often, this was the first time in a couple of years, but when I do get sick, I do it right. We're talking walking dead type sick, cranky as hell type sick, stay the fuck away from me type sick... So... I did y'all a favor by not being here. Not only didn't I spread my germs but I spared y'all my bad attitude too. You can feel extremely sorry for the Mrs., the kids and the crew - they took the brunt of it. Awwwww.
Better now, time for BOOBIES!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
More later.
Wahoo! Glad your feeling better Billy! Just in time for Free Booby Tuesday!
I am glad you are feeling better. I had my Death Plague for like 3 weeks. I am always sick though, so I am used to it. Ask the Mrs to rub you down with Vicks, Should be fun.
Nice Boobies
Glad you got your sea legs back!
If I had to go thru another bland Tuesday it might have been a mutiny.
Uhhh.. let me just add much fun can be had with Vicks. And I think SS knows what I mean.
Glad to see you back, missed you :)
I dont know what you are talking about? I am pure and innocent as the driven snow.
*snicker snicker* couldnt keep that up for too long. HAHA
Gald to hear you are feeling better.
OK Billy it is Thursday and we all know what that is..... HNT! Now I know your feeling better and you can't get your Mother to write a letter to get out of it.
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