FuckYou! Friday

Thinking maybe I ought to tone it down this week. I had a lot of FuckYous! posted last Friday, guess I had a lot of pent up agression that needed to be released but in the end it was me that pretty much got fucked - and not in a good way...
FuckYou! Friday this week goes to me, cuz I got it coming.
Fuck me for working so damn much.
Fuck me for trying to do everything myself.
Fuck me for not cutting myself some slack every once in a while.
and last but not least...
FUCK ME for nearly killing me.
It's been a helluva week for the Pirate. Trying to relax, trying to take it easy, trying... but not really doing it. I've been to the office everyday this week, am here now... Working slowly, but still working. Not the hours I have been but shit if it doesn't get done, it'll still be here for me to do and then it'll be late too.
Been a week of reflection, quiet and otherwise. There's been shouting and screaming and some soft gentle conversations. There's been some decisions about what's important and what's not, what really matters and what doesn't; the Pirate has to reduce his stress. pffft. More decisions, more stress. It'll never go away, will it?
I've always been one to say, "Ya know, if I can't each steaks and cheeseburgers and fries and chicken wings and drink and smoke and carry on what the hell am I living for?" Guessing that maybe my philosophy will be changing; maybe not by choice, but since I choose to stick around it'll be changing none the less.
I don't play with some of y'all when you do the count, but I gotta tell ya, I've been counting this week. And that definitely includes my blogger pals, thanks for the words of support (including those of you that have threatened to come down here and kick my ass if I don't listen to the doc)
Hope everybody has a great fucking weekend!
Yes...and I will come down and kick your ass if you don't listen! We want you around for a long time...:)
As far as the steaks and cheeseburgers and fries and chicken wings and drink and smoke and carry on...moderation is the key, sugar.
Loves ya!
and EXCELLENT fuck you, I couldn't agree more :)
we love our pirate ;)
have a great fucking weekend, and enjoy yourself!
You left out fuck you for not visiting CP in a fucking dawgs age. Whore. But I love you anyway. Can we Pleeeeeeeeease get together after the holidays? Don't make a bitch beg. I usually only do that for designer handbags.
I loved the "F" you friday this week. I hope you had an awesome weekend and stop working so damn hard, you only have one life to live so you better make sure you have some fun!!!
*knock, knock*
where are youuuuu?
Tone it down don't mean not having any fun! Right??
I think you might like having your ass kicked a little bit
Hey, you! So, do I need to make another trip down to kick your ass or not?
I bet the wife will tell me the truth!
Love ya, Pirate!
Okay, so...here is my Fuck You, Friday. Ready?
Fuck you, Billy...for not doing Fuck You Friday today.
Heh. Kidding.
Love you, Pirate.
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