The crew has spoken (and they want an update)
Alright, alright. Here ya go, a new post.
What a long strange trip it's been. Lemme see, what's happened since the last post? A lot.
Worked every day for a month or so, 10 or 12 sometimes 14 hours a day. Regular job during the day, renovation of the new space at night. Forgot what the family looked like. :( That's over now, we finally moved in last Saturday and are getting used to the new corporate offices. lol
During all that we started a new business, yeah, another one. Lawn service, don't ask, just kinda happened. Iffin you're in the pirate's locale and need your yard to look primo drop me a line.
Got Sweetpea another car. 1988 Chevy Celebrity, a real grandma car, the only thing this car is missing is the red carnation twist tied to the antenna. She wasn't very happy about it but it cost what I was willing to spend. So far, no damage. Keep your fingers crossed. And she's getting used to it now, think she figured out she was just damned lucky that I even considered getting her another set of wheels - either that or her Mother told her she was damned lucky that I even considered getting her another set of wheels. :)
It was concert season at the Strawberry festival in Plant City- usually give this a big write up and review but the time didn't exist. We had tickets for 4 shows, only saw 3. Miranda Lambert, this girl kicked ass, loved the show. Alan Jackson, that boy was either drunk or had been drinking heavily earlier in the day. Slurred his words, forgot what he was saying and really just stood there and played - disappointed in him I was. Sugarland! Hell yeah. That was a great show, they can entertain. Just hearing Jennifer Nettles voice gives me wood, love that southern drawl. Had tickets for Jason Aldean but missed the show - that's a post in itself.
Now for the sad news. We lost our beagle, BJ, last Saturday; no, we didn't misplace him, old age finally got him. He'd lost prolly 15 of his 30 pounds in less than 2 weeks and was really having a lot of trouble just getting around. Actually fell in the pool one day, pool's been there 5 years and he'd never fallen in. Lucky the wife heard the splash and was able to get him out. Babygirl is just torn up about it - he was the wife's dog and my baby but he was her best friend.
He was in poor condition on Friday and worse Saturday morning so we decided it was time - not an easy thing to do. Babygirl went with me to the vet and we both held onto him as they gave him the shot. Lots of tears. We took him home and buried him under an oak tree with a view of the park. Rest in Peace little buddy.

Okay, I'm sure I forgot lots of stuff and this probably wasn't very entertaining but hell, it's what I got today. That and the batteries in my keyboard are dying and aggravating the hell out of me.
Hope y'all are well.
Side notes:
Just Some Dude - Have you heard from MG at all?
April - Happy Now?
Maureen - I liked the HNT from yesterday, kinda cool.
Donna - Sorry I missed your birthday - then again I don't know when it is... and thanks for checking on me.
GE - still coming down at the end of the month?
What a long strange trip it's been. Lemme see, what's happened since the last post? A lot.
Worked every day for a month or so, 10 or 12 sometimes 14 hours a day. Regular job during the day, renovation of the new space at night. Forgot what the family looked like. :( That's over now, we finally moved in last Saturday and are getting used to the new corporate offices. lol
During all that we started a new business, yeah, another one. Lawn service, don't ask, just kinda happened. Iffin you're in the pirate's locale and need your yard to look primo drop me a line.
Got Sweetpea another car. 1988 Chevy Celebrity, a real grandma car, the only thing this car is missing is the red carnation twist tied to the antenna. She wasn't very happy about it but it cost what I was willing to spend. So far, no damage. Keep your fingers crossed. And she's getting used to it now, think she figured out she was just damned lucky that I even considered getting her another set of wheels - either that or her Mother told her she was damned lucky that I even considered getting her another set of wheels. :)
It was concert season at the Strawberry festival in Plant City- usually give this a big write up and review but the time didn't exist. We had tickets for 4 shows, only saw 3. Miranda Lambert, this girl kicked ass, loved the show. Alan Jackson, that boy was either drunk or had been drinking heavily earlier in the day. Slurred his words, forgot what he was saying and really just stood there and played - disappointed in him I was. Sugarland! Hell yeah. That was a great show, they can entertain. Just hearing Jennifer Nettles voice gives me wood, love that southern drawl. Had tickets for Jason Aldean but missed the show - that's a post in itself.
Now for the sad news. We lost our beagle, BJ, last Saturday; no, we didn't misplace him, old age finally got him. He'd lost prolly 15 of his 30 pounds in less than 2 weeks and was really having a lot of trouble just getting around. Actually fell in the pool one day, pool's been there 5 years and he'd never fallen in. Lucky the wife heard the splash and was able to get him out. Babygirl is just torn up about it - he was the wife's dog and my baby but he was her best friend.
He was in poor condition on Friday and worse Saturday morning so we decided it was time - not an easy thing to do. Babygirl went with me to the vet and we both held onto him as they gave him the shot. Lots of tears. We took him home and buried him under an oak tree with a view of the park. Rest in Peace little buddy.

Okay, I'm sure I forgot lots of stuff and this probably wasn't very entertaining but hell, it's what I got today. That and the batteries in my keyboard are dying and aggravating the hell out of me.
Hope y'all are well.
Side notes:
Just Some Dude - Have you heard from MG at all?
April - Happy Now?
Maureen - I liked the HNT from yesterday, kinda cool.
Donna - Sorry I missed your birthday - then again I don't know when it is... and thanks for checking on me.
GE - still coming down at the end of the month?