Half Nekkid Thursday!
Alright y'all, I'm here, I showed up, dressed out *smirk* and I'm ready to participate. Took a load of grief from the crew last week for not playing "HNT - The Anniversary Edition" so I gotta make it up this week. The crew expressed patience with me in their kind comments but a captain knows when there's trouble afoot and he's gonna try to quell the uproar. I was told that patience had it's price and that this weeks HNT better be good, hopefully you'll approve. CP approved of the racks on Tuesday so it's been a good week so far!
We had us the beginnings of a mutiny last week when several of the crew broke into me quarters and rifled through me frilly things. And, as if that wasn't cruel enough, they drank me booze, fiddled with me hook and stole me good sword. Typically micreants such as these would be dealt with severely, ya know, run through or made to walk the plank. Benevolent Captain that I am however, I allowed them to live, they're entirely too cute to do away with permanently. That little stunt did lead to me appointing a security officer to my door, you can meet him here if you haven't already. Beware the hamster. really. I mean it. He's got some sharp effin teeth.
So, here tis, this weeks HNT, although I may have taken liberties with the Half Nekkid part. Oh, and Green Eyes, always know that the Captain keeps a spare sword about. What kind of pirate would me be otherwise.