HEY! it's Fuck You! Friday
The first, and possibly second, Fuck Yous! (again, all in how you count or maybe it's just a group FU) head out to the former employer of my soul brother, Mr. Fabulous and the yet to be named rat fink who sold him out. Yesterday I had talked of Fab's unfortunate dismissal because his blog(?) created a hostile working atmosphere(?). I mean c'mon people, this blog is pure entertainment on a somewhat juvenile level... It's not called "Pointless Drivel" for nothing. While we can all feel sad for Fab, we should start be concerned for ourselves. The Pirate's always been a conspiracy theorist and his freedoms are held dear, hate to think that this could happen to anybody but if it happened to a guy as great as Mr. Fabulous it could happen to us. So on this Friday - A GREAT BIG FUCK YOU! to those responsible for this travesty. In the words of Brother Bob Marley - git up, stand up, stand up for your rights.
Now, in a somewhat lighter vein, a whole lot less preachy and in a great twist of Karma the next winner on this Fuck You! Friday. (Fab may even take heart with this one I'll bet) File under "The road ain't never so long..."
In January of '03, the Pirate was downsized by the worlds largest manufacturer of a certain product. On a Friday afternoon, while preparing to head to Lauderdale for my best bud's fathers funeral I was called and told that I had to be in my office for a meeting on Monday. I politely explained that I was going to be out of town and why. I was told that didn't matter and I had to be in my office at 11 am on Monday. Pisser, I needed to go be with my bud. But, understanding fellow that he is he told me to go to work, that his Dad would say that I needed to take care of my family. Which he would have...
When the corporate types arrived on Monday they wasted no time in telling my pregnant assistant and I that our office was being closed, effective immediately. There was no performance reason for this, simply a cost cutting measure and we'd get some severance pay and all. Clean out your stuff and sign this paper and have a nice life. What would have happened had I gone to the funeral - would they have fucking fired me??!?? In that paper I signed was a clause that I could never work for this company again - I wasn't the greatest corporate drone, just a guy who achieved great sales, apparently that's not enough though.
So, anyways, where I'm going is... The stupid bastards called me yesterday with a job offer... I got a call from a guy I knew there who told me they were looking for someone to do something in Florida and my name was floated, would I be interested? Whoa, you bet, I love you guys! NOT.
Told him I'd have to think about it. Called them back yesterday to tell them ain't no way in hell t I'd ever work for them again. I know how they treat their people, I used to be one. As a matter of fact the CEO of this company was recently quoted as saying "the people don't make the company, the company makes the people". What a schmuck.
So, to these complete fucking idiots, who think that they can fuck you over and then come back like nothing ever happened..... FUCK YOU! just think Fab, maybe you'll get an opportunity for personal satisfaction like that.
Ya know, I'm really starting to enjoy this Fuck You! Friday thing. I feel so much better...
In an unrelated matter, now that I have two trucks in my fleet doesn't that raise me from Captain... to Commodore? just thinkin, maybe I need a new hat...